December – Colton M Swindler

How long have you been with the Lodge (this can include your time before the Lodge was Carlisle 260)?
I have been involved with Masonry for 13.5 years. I have been a member of Carlisle Lodge for coming on 8 years I believe
What is one piece of advice you received from a fellow brother that has impacted your life?
I have received an untold amount of advice throughout the years. One line from Demolay ritual (open installation) that has always stuck as a reminder of humility “From the ranks you have risen and to the ranks you will soon return” serves as a reminder to the One in charge that after your term you will once again sit along the sidelines, so not to be overzealous but to rule justly and remain humble.
Who “Raised” you to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason?
Brother Brett Otto, PM
What is your profession?
Credit Analyst
How has Masonry changed/helped you in your career?
The Masonic youth group, DeMolay really helped me to practice public speaking, memorization, and overall Leadership skills. I view the Blue Lodge as a continuation of the growth that largely happened between 12 and 18 years old.
What is your favorite Masonic event?
I like that the Masons open up the masonic village in E-town for Autumn Day each year so that the public can learn about masonic groups and enjoy some free refreshments!
November – Douglas L Champlin

And we always thought he was a Baltimore fan.
How long have you been with the Lodge (this can include your time before the Lodge was Carlisle 260)?
I was raised in 2011 when we were St John’s Lodge 260
What is your greatest memory of being a Mason?
There are so many, but I will say March 2017 when I conferred my first Entered Apprentice Degree in its entirely. The Making of a new Brother is a special moment for all involved, but being the Degree Master is something extra special, especially when it is the first one.
What is one piece of advice you received from a fellow brother that has impacted your life?
Just one? I am honored to be surrounded by Brothers who are willing to extend supportive advice. Brother Jeff Miller, Past Master (and incoming District Deputy Grand Master) has told me on numerous occasions – including recently – to “always continue trying, but never quit.” Very fitting when struggling while learning Ritual, and helpful with life in general.
Who “Raised” you to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason?
Brother Brett Otto, Past Master
What is your profession?
Human Services
What is your favorite Masonic event?
A Table Lodge is a unique event of Brotherhood, Old School Tradition, and Socialization. Also, the Making of an Entered Apprentice Mason.
October – Worshipful Master Daniel K Confer

Who knew he had the meats?
- How long have you been with the Lodge (this can include your time before the Lodge was Carlisle 260)? I’ve been a member since 2013 and was raised in St. John’s Lodge.
- What is your greatest memory of being a Mason? I don’t have one singular memory that stands out, but my greatest memories have been after I’ve conferred a degree to a candidate and he has come up to me after the degree and thanked me. Those of us who confer degrees know how good it feels when you do a really good degree, and when the candidate appreciates that, it’s a great feeling.
- Who in the Lodge has inspired you to be a better Mason? Too long of a list, but some that stand out are Jeff Miller, PM; Ken Womack, PM; Dick Auchey, PM; and Bill Bunt, PM.
- Who “Raised” you to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason? Brett Otto, PM.
- What is your profession? I do business development for a structural engineering firm. I’m not an engineer but I find new work to keep the engineers busy.
- What is your favorite Masonic event? It’s a toss-up between Consistory Reunions and the September Stated Meeting in Blue Lodge (because we’re just back from being dark for the summer and it’s good to see everyone again).